Sunday, July 31, 2011

Motivation for Writers/Contest

This week, I’m continuing to discuss ways to stay motivated.

Many writers tell me they have started a manuscript but haven’t finished it. Momentum is the force that carries us forward to complete what we start. Figure out what works for you. Keep your writing momentum on track.

One of the best ways to stay motivated is to attend a writing conference. Not only do you get a personal glimpse into the struggles and triumphs of other writers, you leave with a better understanding of the writing process. Writers are open with helpful advice because each published writer is making the same journey to publication as every other writer. Some are a farther down the path and have more experience. Reap the benefits of that experience by spending time with writers in an atmosphere where writing reigns supreme.

Select a writing project that fits your interest and lifestyle and has a subject or theme you’re passionate about. Since you’ll be spending so much time on the project, your interest will keep you focused and excited about the work.

Some writers use deadlines to keep them motivated and to enact the BIC (Butt in Chair) approach. Knowing the deadline hovers, time is allocated to finish the writing.

Next week I’ll continue the discussion on motivation.

The Tenth Glass Woman Prize will be awarded for a work of short fiction or creative non-fiction (prose) written by a woman. Length: between 50 and 5,000 words. The top prize for the tenth Glass Woman Prize award is US $500 and possible (but not obligatory) online publication; there will also be one runner up prize of $100 and one runner up prize of $50, together with possible (but not obligatory) online publication.
Subject is open, but must be of significance to women. The criterion is passion, excellence, and authenticity in the woman’s writing voice. Previously published work and simultaneous submissions are OK. Authors retain all copyright is retained by the author.
There is no reading fee.
Previous winners are welcome to submit again for any subsequent prize.
Submission deadline: September 21, 2011 (receipt date). Notification date: on or before December 21, 2011

1 comment:

  1. Nancy,
    The Help and are also running a writing contest this week. They're looking for a short children's story that teaches positive values. The winner will have their story illustrated by a pro and made into an ebook.
