Sunday, August 7, 2011

Motivation for Writers/Contest

Another motivational factor for writers is to define the type of book you want to write and read as many of those type books as you can. With each book you’ll gain some insight into the writing process. Look for what you enjoy in the writer’s voice or the way the plot unfolded. Notice how the character develops and changes from the beginning to the end.

Don’t fall victim to comparing your work to that of another writer and feeling that your work doesn’t measure up. When this happens writers often abandon manuscripts or stop writing. Instead, work to improve your manuscript or begin another in which you have more confidence of writing well and are motivated to complete. No two people write the exactly alike. Bring your own life experiences into your style of writing using words and phases that reflect your unique manner and technique of stringing words into manuscripts.

Each successful writer develops a style that works. What works for one writer may not work for another. Don’t be overly concerned if you don’t write as much or as often as someone else. Figure out a productive writing plan you can live and works best for you.

First drafts stink and they’re difficult to write. But once they’re written the fun begins. Revision is all about polishing and fine-tuning and for me is much easier than completing the first draft. Each piece of rewriting adds a bit of polish and seeing the improvement motivates me to keep going.

What keeps you motivated to write? Share your habits and tricks.

Intergeneration Storytelling Contest

“Write a story, poem or song (fiction, non-fiction or a combination) featuring characters from at least two generations. One illustration or photograph may be included and will be considered when judging the entry.” Cash prizes will be awarded ($500/$350/$150). “All entries will be considered for e-publication.”
Deadline: August 15, 2011
Details at

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