Happiness: smile, crinkled nose, bright eyes, raised
eyebrows, swinging arms, relaxed shoulders, open-mouth smile.
Sadness: pouting lips, tears, red eyes, drippy nose,
stooped shoulders, head hanging low, lack of eye contact, frowning, trembling body.
Fear: wide eyes, closed eyes, trembling hands,
hunched shoulders, open mouth, tears, arms wrapped around body, body in fetal
position, white-knuckle grip, shaking head in denial.
Anger: flared nostrils, fists, swinging arms,
flushed checks, wide-eyed stare, pounding fists, breathing deeply.
Curiosity: moving toward something, parted lips,
squinting eyes, reaching out to touch, delighted smile.
Stubbornness: shake head, stomp foot, cross arms, turn
head away from speaker, walk away.
Try using a variety of silent language expressions
to offer more information to the reader.
for Submissions for Adult Writers:
Chicken Soup for the Soul. My Very Good, Very Bad Dog
Our dog books are so popular that we do
a new one every other year. We are now collecting
stories for our 2016 edition. We want your
funny stories, your heartwarming stories, and your
mindboggling stories about all the very
good, very bad, simply amazing things that your dog
does. What have you learned from your
dog? How does your dog improve your life? What crazy
things does your dog do? Has your dog
ever done anything heroic? How does your dog warm
your heart and make you smile? We want
to hear all about the absurd antics, funny habits and
insightful behavior of your dog. Stories
can be serious or humorous. The deadline date for story
and poem submissions is August 31, 2015.