Sunday, August 30, 2015

Journal, a Secret Weapon for Writers, Part IV

Other uses and benefits of keeping a journal:

Writers of children’s books can mine their gray matter for scene development ideas. In a journal, list things that upset you when you were the age of the protagonist in your current manuscript. Or something that delighted you. Scared you. Made you wait with gleeful anticipation. Look at the situation from the perspective of a child. When you remember the way you felt when something happened, jot it down in a journal. These tidbits can be pure gold.
A journal for writers goes beyond ideas for manuscripts. Daily writing keeps you in the habit of writing. Yes, writing can be habit forming. Conversely, avoiding writing can be, also. Keeping a journal heightens awareness of your behavior and habits. The best way to become better at writing is to write. If you want to build a career of writing, consider a regular schedule for writing.
Journal writing can do wonders for your ideas. Simply try different possibilities for your piece. What works? What doesn’t? Play with words and have fun writing.
Call for Submissions for Adult Writers:
AE welcomes submissions from both established and emerging authors. We publish exclusively science fiction, though our interpretation of the genre can be quite inclusive. We are interested in stories from 500 to 3,000 words in length. We are not soliciting poetry or screenplays at this time.

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